Why become a Friend of The Norwich Museums?
Why become a Friend of The Norwich Museums?
Your Subscription
Helps us to provide funds:
- to buy artefacts for display in the Norwich Museums
- to conserve those items already on display
- to contribute the first grant towards the acquisition of more expensive items so that the curators can apply for and obtain further funding
- to contribute towards larger capital projects such as the redevelopment of the Bridewell in the past & the Castle Keep Project currently.
Advantages For You
- Free entry to Norwich Museums: Norwich Castle, The Museum of Norwich (Bridewell) and Strangers’ Hall
- Reduced entry to important exhibitions
- 10% off all purchases in the Museum cafe & shop
- A bi-annual newsletter
- The opportunity to volunteer within the Museums
- Trips to places of interest & regular lectures in the Castle (a small fee applies)